The department of Physical science was established in 2005-2006 In the course of several years the Department could attract a wide spectrum of talented faculty. Our faculty has made significant contributions to novel interdisciplinary areas interfacing physics, chemistry and mathematics, the department has well-developed facilities and well-equipped laboratory. Our faculty is committed to excellence in teaching. The low student - to - faculty ratio in the Physical Sciences Department means students and faculty get to know each other, and students have easy access to faculty for discussions, help and with advice on their current course work or future plans. our college has its own well equipped and furnished Physical Science lab for providing the students ample opportunities to conduct the experiments with scientific knowledge and principles. Students are doing practical and using equipments effectively before they are going to teaching Practice.
The laboratory helps in the development of objective reasoning and thinking, skills of experimentation, observation, problem solving and scientific attitudes among the students. Lab activities must be deigned to engage students' minds, so that students may acquire skill and confidence in their: