Library was established in the academic year 2005-06. It has 8865 volumes of text and reference books on various disciplines. The library subscribes 20 National and International journals and 04 leading Newspapers. The library is following the open access system and provides its service to meet the requirements of M.Ed scholars and staff members of the College. Our Library has various sections such as Reference Section, Text book Section, Books for competitive Examinations, Theses Dissertations Section, Back Volumes Section, Reprographic Section, Question Banks etc.
The language lab assists students to enhance their language skills like Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW).
Students/staff should scan their ID card in the E Gate Register scanner while entering and leaving the library.
The library users should possess their ID card while they are inside the library.
Books will be issued only on production of Bar-coded System
Strict silence should be maintained in the library.
Personal belongings like files, folders, bags, jerkins, umbrella, issued books etc are not allowed inside the library. They should be kept on the rack provided at the entrance of the library.
For the benefit of its users, library is following the Open Access System. The books, current journals, back volumes taken out the racks shall not be replaced. They should be left only on the tables. Well trained Library assistants are there to replace them in the proper places
Student will not be permitted inside the library during the class hours.
The library will be closed on Sundays, all Government Holidays and during the summer vacation.
The librarian reserves the right to cancel the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.