The objective of the language laboratory is to develop and refine the language skills of our students . It has its own software packages for training the students. The purpose of a language lab is to involve students to actively participate in language learning exercises and get more practice than otherwise possible in a traditional classroom environment. The English Language laboratory aims to enhance proficiency in communicative skill especially spoken English through its emphasis on activity-based learning.
The Language Lab is fully equipped with Computers with individual cabins, each provided with a headphone and is placed in a compact cubicle creating a user-friendly atmosphere. LCD Projector, Home Theater and Relevant recorded DVD’S and advanced language learning softwares are available in the lab. As the various software installed are self-explanatory and are of different variety each student has the liberty to choose a software of their choice and be benefitted. An interactive spoken language lab with modern audio equipments and a qualified trainer has been setup to improve the communication skills of the students.
It provides learners to learn the foreign language and practice in a focused setting that eliminates the feelings of self-consciousness.
It accelerates language learning through a complete linguistic immersion.
It promotes high motivation involvement of students since they work with special equipment for language learning.
It enhances better communicative skill in target language and to explore the target language through situational activities.
It fosters the interactive communication in the classroom and the use of ICT.
It creates a learning environment that cannot be duplicated in the traditional classroom.
It provides learners with a psychological privacy in language learning.
It reduces the inhibitions felt in normal classroom situations and encourages the shy student to speak.
It allows the learner to get individual instruction as well as to participate in group activities which ultimately increase the attention span of the student and teaching the learner to listen and analyze the content of the lesson.
The language lab makes most efficient use improving the instructor/learner time ratio and allowing the instructor to maximize the use of time in a given lesson.
The learners have the ability to record their own voices along with the master stimulus. Each learner can be working interactively on different segments within the same program or be working with completely different program material.